近二三十年以来 ,无论是在国际还是在国内 ,行政管理的模式发生了一些带有根本性的变化。从以往缺乏灵活性的传统科层制公共行政模型转向以具有灵活性、以目标和业绩导向的公共管理模式。这种转型从国际的角度看是为了提升一个国家在国际社会上的综合竞争力 ,以及为了顺应全球化的趋势 ;从国内来看是为了能够向公民提供更好的公共服务和公共物品 ;这种转型还受到了来自企业管理的新模式以及新的经济学理论的影响 ;计算机以及互联网络在政府、公共部门的日益推广使用也在这方面发挥了重要的作用。论文基于以上分析得出的结论是 ,从传统的行政管理模式向新型的公共管理模式的转型已经成为世界范围内不可逆转的趋势。
In resent 20 years, there has been a common tendency of paradigm transformation of government administration internationally. The names of this new paradigm are: 'new public administration', 'managism', 'public administration based on market', 'post bureaucracy paradigm', 'the government with entrepreneur spirit', etc. Main characters of this new paradigm are: emphasizing on the service function of government, performance of strategic management in public sectors, economy, efficiency and effect in public administration, citizen participation, simplification of bureaucratic structure of government. The factors which causing this transformation are: the new demands to public sectors, the influence of new economic theory, the innovation of enterprise management, the influence of globalization, impact of new technology to government management.
New public management
Paradigm transformation
Bureaucratic system
Citizen participation