
基于PBS的机群任务调度管理中间件的设计与实现 被引量:4

Design and Development of Job Scheduling and Management Middleware Based on PBS
摘要 介绍了基于 PBS的机群任务调度管理中间件 ,是基于现在比较流行的调度系统 PBS进行开发和封装 ,对上层提供了统一的接口 .同时在该中间件中还封装了用户管理模块、配置模块和任务调度模块 ,采用基于 XML的通信协议 .该中间件具有很强的扩展性 ,可以扩展应用于 L SF等多种流行的机群任务调度系统 .最后 ,在该中间件之上 ,使用Java开发了前台图形界面 ,实现了一整套完备的具有实时监控和远程管理能力的机群任务管理系统 . A job scheduling and management middleware is introduced in this paper. The middleware develops and encapsulates PBS, provides a unified interface for upper level. In addition, the middleware consists of user management module, configuration module and job scheduling module. The communication protocol is based on XML. This middleware is extensible and can be expanded to multiple job scheduling system such as LSF etc. The front-end graphic user interface is developed by JAVA, so we have accomplished a complete cluster job management system which has real-time monitoring and remote managing capability.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期1048-1051,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
关键词 任务调度系统 机群 PBS JAVA job management system cluster PBS Java
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