目的 :分析功能性肛门直肠梗阻的病因及X线表现。方法 :15 6例女性患者接受了检查。采用浓度为 180 %~2 0 0 %硫酸钡行常规排粪性造影 ,透视下动态观察并连续摄片。结果 :15 6例患者中 ,直肠前突 96例 ,会阴下降 10 7例 ,直肠内套叠 5 9例 ,盆底痉挛综合征 4 5例 ,盆底疝 7例 ,内括约肌失弛缓症 3例 ,正常 3例 ,直肠前突常合并会阴下降、直肠内套叠及盆底痉挛综合症。本组病例中 ,4 6例直肠前突、2 9例直肠内套叠、2例内括约肌失弛缓症经临床手术治疗 ,均获得了良好的效果。结论 :排粪性造影较传统的肛直肠部检查更敏感可靠。它能直接显示功能性出口梗阻的原因及发病程度 ,为临床治疗提供了可靠依据。
Objective:To analse the reason of funcefional anorectal obstruction and its X-ray features.Methods:156 female cases were examined by defecography with dynamic X-ray perspective and the film was made,The concentration of barium is 75%~100% W/V.Results:Among 156 cases,there were 96 with vectocele;(RC) 107 cases with perineum descending;(PD) 59 caseswith internal rectal infussusception;(IRI) 45 cases with spastic pelvicfloor syndrome;(SPFS) 7 cases with pelvic follr hernia;(PFH) 3 cases withinner-sphincter miss-function and 3 normal cases.Rc is often complicated with PD,IRI,SPFS.46 cases with RC,29 cases with IRI,and 2 cases with inner-sphincter miss-function were treated surgically,The curative effect is fin.Conclusion:Defecography is dependable simple and easy acceptable compared to with traditional exam.It can display the reason and the illness proceeding degree directly and provide reliable basis for clinical treatment.
Journal of Medical Imaging