

Prognosis Comparison in Middle and Later Stage Severe Hepatitis Bpatients Treat with Plasma Exchange or Unified Medicine Therapy
摘要 目的 :观察血浆置换、内科综合治疗对中晚期重型乙型病毒性肝炎生存率的影响 ,探索中晚期重型肝炎的治疗方法。方法 :观察在内科综合治疗基础上给予血浆置换患者的肝功能、并发症及疾病的转归 ,与同期仅予内科综合治疗的患者相比较 ,对相应的临床资料进行统计学分析 ,从而了解两种治疗方法的疗效。结果 :血浆置换组 36例 ,18例好转 ,18例死亡 ,内科治疗组 32例 ,13例好转 ,19例死亡 ,二组之间患者生存情况无统计学差异 ;肝功能指标 (ALT、AST、SB、ALB、TC、Ch E)和凝血酶原时间 (PT)也无统计学差异。结论 :与内科综合治疗相比较 ,在其基础上给予血浆置换并不能提高中晚期重型病毒性肝炎生存率 ;中晚期重型肝炎患者的预后决定于其肝功能衰竭的程度。 Objective To observe the influence on the prognosis of the patients with severe hepatitis B in middle and later stage treated with plasma exchange or unified medicine therapy,and search the therapy methods on the middle and later stage severe hepatitis B.Methods:To observe the liver function,complications and prognosis of the patients treated with plasma exchange on the basis of unified medicine therapy.To compare with that of the corresponding period patients with unified medicine therapy and analysis the clinical data with statistics medthods.Results:36 cases of the plasma exchange group,18 cases survived and 18 cases died.32 cases of the unified medicine therapy group,13 cases survived and 19cases died.The survival rates between the two groups patients does not appear statistics difference;liver function index (ALT、AST、SB、ALB、TC、ChE)and PT also appear the same results in statistics.Conclusions:Compare with unified medicine therapy,plasma exchange on the basis of the unified medicine therapy does not appear to improve surival rate of the patients with the middle and later stage severe hepatitis B.The prognosis of these patients determined by the liver failure extent itself.
出处 《透析与人工器官》 2004年第2期17-20,共4页 Chinese Journal of Dialysis and Artificial Organs
关键词 重型乙型肝炎 血浆置换 内科治疗 中晚期 肝功能衰竭 生存率 人工肝 severe viral hepatitis B plasma exchange unified medicine therapy survival rate
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