
杉木优良无性系区域化试验初报 被引量:11

Preliminary Report on Regionlization Test of Super Chinese Fir Clone
摘要 采用广东、湖南和贵州 3个省 4 0个杉木优良无性系 ,于 1998年在广东大坑山林场进行区域化试验。结果表明 :6年生单株材积生长 5 5 %的无性系优于对照 ,其中达较显著差异水平以上的有 4个无性系 ,广东 3个 ,湖南 1个。广东提供的无性系表现较好 ,其中生长表现较优的GDL0 4 1、GDL0 4 3、GDL0 4 4三个无性系单株材积达较显著差异水平以上 ,占参试无性系的 33% ,其次为GDL0 4 2、GDL0 4 6无性系 ,其单株材积增益均达 2 5 .1%以上 ,在本省亦经过了 3次以上重复试验 ,表现均较优 ,可大面积在广东造林推广应用。 The regionlization test of 40 Chinese fir clones come from Guangdong, Hunan and Guizhou province were conducted in Dakengshan Forest Farm,Guandong province. The results showed that 55 percent clones have better volume growth compared with the control at 6 years old, 4 clones have significent difference, 3 of them come from Guangdong, the other come from Hunan. Clones come from Guangdong have better performance than the clones come from the other 2 provinces. GDL041, GDL043 and GDL044 have significent difference on volume with the control, this 3 clones are the best. The clones of GDL042,GDL046 are next, their volume gain are over 25%,and have better performance in several test, this clones can be extend in afforestation for large scale in Guangdong.;
出处 《广东林业科技》 2004年第3期5-8,共4页 Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
基金 国家"九五"科技攻关专题"杉木建筑材树种遗传改良及中大径材培育技术研究"(96 0 11 0 3 0 1)的部分内容
关键词 杉木 无性系 区域试验 生长性状 Chinese fir, super clone, regionlization test, selection
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