文中对来自江都、福建的白灵菇菌种,在不同温度、pH值、营养物质条件下菌丝的生长特性进行了研究。结果表明:菌丝生长的最适温度为25~27.5 ℃时,低于22.5℃或超过30.0 ℃,菌丝生长明显减缓。在pH4.5~8.5范围内菌丝均可生长,但最适宜pH为6.9~7.7。蛋白胨、白糖和硫酸锌利于菌丝的生长。
The characteristics of hypha growth of Bailing mushroom from Jiangdu and Fujian in different of the temperatures, and the pH value, and the nutrients were researched in this paper. The results showed that the most proper temperature to the hypha-growing of Bailing mushroom was 25~27.5℃, when it was down to 25 ℃ or over 27.5 ℃, hypha growth was very slow. Hypha of Bailing mushroom could grow within the range of pH 4.5~8.5 at all, the most fitting pH were 6.9~7.7. Refined sugar was more advantageous to the hypha growth of Bailing mushroom. Peptone,Refined sugar and ZnSO4 were more advantageous to the hypha growth of Bailing mushroom.
Agriculture and Technology