
薯蓣皂苷元体外抗肿瘤作用的研究 被引量:24

The Study of Anti-Tumor Effect of Diosgenin in Vitro
摘要 [目的]研究薯蓣皂苷元(diosgenin熏Dio)的体外抑瘤谱,并初步探讨其抗肿瘤的作用机制。[方法]MTT法测定Dio对肿瘤细胞的生长抑制情况;采用光镜和电镜观察药物对MGC鄄803细胞形态的影响;流式细胞技术检测Dio对MGC鄄803细胞的抑制作用和细胞周期的影响。[结果]Dio对MGC鄄803等10种肿瘤细胞有选择性的生长抑制作用,30mg/L的Dio处理后的MGC鄄803细胞变圆,体积变小,有多于70%的细胞脱壁,透射电镜下可见细胞表面微绒毛消失、胞质空泡化、核染色质浓集、边聚,核碎裂;流式细胞检测表明Dio导致DNA片断化,但对细胞周期影响不明显,S期细胞略有增加,G2/M期细胞略有减少。[结论]Dio选择性地抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,引起MGC鄄803细胞形态改变和DNA片断化,可能通过诱导该细胞凋亡而发挥抗肿瘤作用。 To investigate the effect of diosgenin on inhibition of human tumor cell growth and to study its anti-tumor mechanism.The inhibitive effect of cell growth of diosgenin was measured by MTT assay.Morphological chang es were observed by optical and electron microscopy.Flow cytometic analysis was used to detect apoptosis and cell phase distribution of MGC-803 cell.Di osgenin had the selective growth inhibition in 10 tumor cell lines.MGC-803 cells treated with Diosgenin 30mg/L showed typical characteristics of apoptosis:cells became round and smaller,more than 70% of the cells desquatmated, membrane micr ovilli disappearance,cytoplasmic vacuolization,chromatin margination,nuclear con densation and fragmentation.Diosgenin caused DNA fragmentation ,but no obvious e ffect on the cell cycle,slight increase of cell in S phase and a little decrease of cells in G2/M phase were found.[Conclusions]Diosgenin has selective growth i nhibition effect in tumor cell lines and can induce morphological changes and D NA fragmentation of MGC-803 cells. Diosgenin has anti-tumor activity probably by inducing apoptosis of cell .
出处 《中国肿瘤》 CAS 2004年第10期651-653,共3页 China Cancer
关键词 薯蓣皂苷元 抗肿瘤作用 凋亡 diosgenin anti-tumor apoptosis
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