
国内外著名汽车轮毂内在质量分析研究 被引量:8

Inherent Quality Analysis an d Research on Famous Automobile Wheel Hubs
摘要 应用电解低钛铝合金为母材冶炼A356合金生产汽车轮毂,分析了轮毂本体性能和组织,并与国外著名厂商的汽车轮毂进行了比较。研究表明,以电解低钛铝合金为母材生产的汽车轮毂的综合力学性能与奔驰轿车轮毂相当,比宝马轿车轮毂高13.25%,比奥迪轿车轮毂提高6.9%以上。电解低钛汽车轮毂力学性能高,强韧性配合良好;成分及组织均匀,微观晶粒细小,热处理后硅相形态圆整;断口为典型的韧窝状,且韧窝分布均匀。 This paper presents the application of A356alloy wheel hub which is produced by electrolyzing low Ti-Al base alloy,and also presents analysis of structure and properties of wheel hub product,and comparisons between domestic wheel hub products and famous foreign products.The researches show that mechanical properties of wheel hub made by electrolysis low Ti-Al base alloy can match with those of Benz counterpart,13.25%improvement than BMW wheel hub and6.9%improvement than Audi wheel hub.The wheel hub made by electrolysis low Ti-Al base alloy shows good mechanical properties,better match of strength and toughness,better uniformity of composition and structure,fine micro grains,round and integrity of silicon phase after heat treatment ,normal distribution dimple of cross-section.
出处 《汽车工艺与材料》 2004年第7期76-80,共5页 Automobile Technology & Material
关键词 汽车 轮毂 内在质量 电解低钛铝合金 力学性能 微观组织 electrolyzing low Ti-Al alloy wheel hub mechanical property microstructure.
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