在广东省范围内对水稻缓释控释肥进行大面积试验示范,结果表明,(1)移栽前每公顷一次基施'农科'水稻缓释控释肥525~750 kg,其肥效完全可满足水稻本田期对养分的需求.与常规分次施肥比较,施用该缓释控释肥平均增加稻谷497.7 kg/hm2,增产率7.78%;其中,获显著增产的概率达69.4%,平产概率占28.6%,说明施用该水稻缓释控释肥增产效果稳定.(2)施用水稻缓释控释肥显著降低氮磷肥料的养分施用量.与常规分次施肥比较,早晚造平均减少氮素用量26.5%、磷素19.3%,表明水稻缓释控释肥不但显著减少肥料资源的浪费,而且减少了肥料养分流失造成的污染,对生态环境的保护具有重要的现实意义.
field trials and demonstrations for a slow/controlled release fertilizer (SCRF) applied to a rice were carried out over Guangdong province. Results showed that it was sufficiently met the demands of nutrition by the rice 'Nongke' at the application rates of 525~750 kg/hm2. In comparison with the traditional fertilization, the slow/controlled fertilizer increased grain yield up to 497.7 kg/hm2 or 7.78% on the average, with the probability by 69.4% for significant yield increase and 28.6% for similar yield. This indicated that the application of the slow/controlled fertilizer should be a reliable approach for achieving stable yield increase. N and P application rates were significantly reduced when applying SCRF. In comparison with normal fertilization, the application of SCRF reduced the application rates of N and P by 26.5% and 19.3% , respectively. As the result of much smaller N and P application rates, SCRF would significantly safe fertilizer resources and minimize the pollution caused by the loss of fertilizer nutrients. This is of practical importance for protecting the environment.
Ecology and Environmnet