
Snap-25 mRNA在毒鼠强中毒大鼠脑组织的表达 被引量:2

A Study on the Expression of Snap-25 mRNA in Rat Poisoned by Tetramine
摘要 目的 探讨毒鼠强中毒与脑组织表达 Snap- 2 5的关系。方法应用荧光定量 RT- PCR法 ,检测大鼠脑组织中 Snap- 2 5 m RNA量的改变。结果 大鼠毒鼠强中毒后 1h,其脑内不同部位的组织中 Snap- 2 5 m RNA表达与对照组相比无明显的变化 ;中毒 1d后 ,大鼠脑内 Snap- 2 5 m RNA的表达与对照组相比 ,各观察部位均有明显升高(P<0 .0 5 ) ;在中毒后第 3d,Snap- 2 5 m RNA表达继续上升 ,第 5 d表达强度有所下降 ,但是仍然高于正常对照组大鼠。结论 大鼠急性毒鼠强中毒早期 ,Snap- 2 5 m RNA的表达并未发生明显变化 ,提示毒鼠强导致大鼠中毒不是通过改变 Snap- 2 5含量的机制实现的。大鼠毒鼠强中毒后 ,Snap- 2 5 m RNA表达增强可能是由于负反馈的机制 ,增加神经递质的释放 。 Objective This study sought to reveal the relationship between Snap-25 and tetramine poisoning in order to approach the mechanism of tetramine poisoning. Methods The levels of Snap-25 mRNA in the brain tissues of poisoned SD rats were detected by RT-PCR method. Results After 1 hour of intoxication, the expression level of Snap-25 mRNA did not change in the rat brain. It increased at day 1 and reached its peak at day 3. The expression level of Snap-25 mRNA begain to descend at day 5, but it was still higher than that in the rat brain tissue of control group. Conclusion In this study the expression of Snap-25 of rat poisoned by tetramine was not markedly increased in the early stage of poisoning, indicating that the symptoms of rat poisoned by tetramine are not induced by the changes of the Snap-25 level. The mechanism of high expression in Snap-25 mRNA probably involves the negative feedback of the body, which may increase the releasing of neurohumor and hence mitigate the symptoms of poisoning.
出处 《四川大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期644-646,共3页 Journal of Sichuan University(Medical Sciences)
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金 (编号2 0 0 3 0 610 0 10 ) 四川大学校基金资助
关键词 Snap-25 毒鼠强 中毒 表达 Snap-25 Tetramine Poison Expression
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