
把握竞技体育规律 全面实施“双争战略”(二) 被引量:1

Following the Laws of Athletic Sports Carrying Out“Two-Goal Strategy”
摘要 采用文献资料分析法、逻辑分析法对竞技体育规律进行了深入地阐述 ,提出安徽省竞技体育发展战略为“全运争金 ,奥运争光”,简称“双争战略”,以及全面实施“双争战略”的具体措施。 On the basis of document materials and logical analysis the author makes a thorough exposition of the laws of athletic sports and advances the strategy that the athletes of Anhui Province must do their best to win the champions in the National Games and achieve better performances in the Olympic Games,which is called“two-goal strategy”.Moreover,the paper discusses how to carry out“this strategy”.
作者 张荣国
机构地区 安徽省体育局
出处 《安徽体育科技》 2004年第3期1-3,共3页 Journal of Anhui Sports Science
关键词 安徽 竞技体育规律 “双争战略” 体育人才培养 青少年训练 后备人才培养 教练员 athletic sports law “two-goal strategy” Anhui Province
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