利用 2 0 0 2年 11月到 2 0 0 3年 2月兰州CAWS6 0 0 R型自动站与人工观测的温度、本站气压、水汽压、相对湿度、5~ 32 0cm地温等资料 ,分析了对比观测资料的差值。结果表明 :对气温、本站气压、水汽压、相对湿度及 32 0cm地温等要素观测误差较小 ,5~ 16 0cm地温的观测误差较大。自动观测仪器的系统性偏差、测量元件的精度及对气象要素变化响应的灵敏度、观测时间的差异和人为因素的影响是造成对比观测误差的原因。
A comparison was made using automatic weather station measurements and conventional observations from November 2002 to February 2003 (temperature, pressure, vapor-pressure, relative humidity and soil temperature of 5 cm to 320 cm in the winter of 2002. The results show that observational errors are relatively small for temperature, station-pressure, vapor-pressure, relative humidity, and soil temperature of 320 cm, and greater for soil temperatures of 5 cm to 160 cm. The chief reasons for observational errors include systematical errors, observational precision, and the sensitivity of the system's responding to changes of weather elements and observational time, as well as some artificial factors.
Meteorological Science and Technology