
社会转型与公共政策创新——以人事档案制度为例的分析 被引量:21

Social Transformation and Innovation of Public Policy——Take the System of Personal File as an Example
摘要 公共政策是人类面对日益复杂的公共事务所诞生的公共产品。其过程性与动态性特点要求公共政策必须顺应时代的变化作出相应的调整和革新,做好公共政策的优化与组合。在社会转型过程当中公共政策存在二元非适应性问题,因则必须适时创新,以便使其获得回应能力。 Public policy is public goods which born with the more complicated public affairs. Process and development, as the characteristic of PP, require PP must comply with the change of era, making corresponding adjustment and innovation and doing well in optimization and combination of PP, or can only hamper epochal development and social progress. The essay, taking the system of personal file as an example, illustrate unsuitable problems and their causes which belong to two characteristics and exist in PP during the course of social transition. Furthermore, it points out the choice of way of the innovation of PP. The author regards it an important factor in increasing function of social transition that PP, as the tool of PM, whether if be of respondence.
作者 陈潭
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期48-52,共5页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
关键词 人事档案制度 社会转型 公共政策 创新 回应型政策 范式 social transformation innovation of public policy respondent policy the system of personal file
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