Reported in this paper is a novel family of biological marker compounds-long chain alkyl-thiophenes and long chain alkyl-thiolanes, which were detected in. the oil sample collected from Tertiary hypersaline sediments of the Jianghan Basin. Seven series of alkyl-thiophene homologues show base ion (mass spectrum) m/z 111; 125; 139; 153; 167; 181 and 195 respectively; five series of alkyl-thiolanes have base ion m/z 101; 115; 129; 143 and 157 respectively. Major characteristics of these compounds are: (1) ab-undant C20 isoprenoid thioplene and thiolane; and (2) even-odd predominance. This distribution pattern is quite similar to that of alkanes. The sulphur-containing com-pounds may be considered as typical biological markers of a hypersaline environment, and perhaps they are products of reaction between elemental sulphur (or hydrogen sul-fide) and alkanes in the very early stage of diagenesis.