
考虑批量因素的成品匹配与生产计划联合优化 被引量:6

Research for Joint Optimization of Inventory Matching and Production Planning Considering Mass Factor
摘要 针对钢铁企业批量化生产组织特点,将成品匹配和生产计划两个过程合二为一,提出了实现两者联合优化的数学模型;结合问题特点构造了具有两段自然数编码的改进遗传算法,并采用启发式规则对违反余材量和生产能力限制的个体进行修复。通过实例仿真,证明了模型与算法的有效性和在实际问题中的应用潜力。 According to the mass production characters in steel enterprise, combined finished product matching with production planning, an optimiztion mathematical model, is presented. Combined the character of the problem, a modified genetic algorithm which has two natural number coding is constructed. The chromosomes, which exceed product amount and production capacity, are repaired by using heuristic rule. The efficiency and feasibility of model and algorithm are confirmed by using some cases.
出处 《系统工程理论方法应用》 2004年第3期199-202,共4页 Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70171056) 国家863计划资助项目(2002AA412010)
关键词 批量生产 成品匹配 生产计划 联合优化 启发式 改进遗传算式 mass production inventory matching production planning joint optimization heuristic modified genetic algorithm
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