目的 比较大中学生社交焦虑水平的差异 ,探析社交焦虑者的心理特征。方法 抽取大学生 3 65人 ,高中生 2 5 9人 ,采用团体施测的方法分别进行社交焦虑量表和其他相关量表的自我评估 :社交回避与苦恼量表、人际交往量表、抑郁自评量表、孤独量表、状态—特质焦虑量表、惧怕否定评价量表、艾森克人格问卷。结果 男生的社交焦虑水平显著高于女生 ,大学生的社交焦虑水平显著高于高中生 ,社交焦虑者在人格问卷的 N分以及孤独、抑郁、害怕否定评价等分高于非社交焦虑者 ,而 E分显著低于非社交焦虑者。结论 在大中学生中 ,男生社交焦虑水平显著高于女生 ,大学生的社交焦虑水平显著高于高中生 ;社交焦虑者一般具有内向、不稳定、孤独、抑郁。
Objective To explore the difference of social anxiety level between senior high school students and undergraduate students,and investigate the mental characteristics of social anxiety students.Methods A total of 365 undergraduates and 259 senior high school students were examined with the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale,the Interaction Anxiousness Scale,the Self-reported Depression Scale,the Loneliness Scale,the State-Trait Anxiousness Scale,the Fear Negative Evaluation Scale,and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.Results There was higher social anxiety level in the undergraduate students than that in the senior high school students.Male students had higher social anxiety score than female.Students with high social anxiety got lower score in E,and higher scores in N of EPQ,and the Loneliness Scale,the Self-reported Depression Scale and the Fear Negative Evaluation Scale than the non-social anxiety students.Conclusion Undergraduate students demonstrate higher social anxiety than senior high school students.Male students show higher social anxiety than female.Students with high social anxiety show lower extroversion,stability,and higher lonely feeling,depression and fear negative evaluation than non-social anxiety students.
China Journal of Health Psychology
国家教育科学"十五"规划重点课题--青年专项课题资助 (课题编号 EBB0 3 0 476)