
氟中毒大鼠骨、肾组织自由基水平的变化 被引量:7

The level of free radical in bone and kidney in fluorosis rats
摘要 目的 观察氟中毒大鼠骨、肾自由基水平与钙营养的关系。方法 给大鼠饮水投氟 10周。利用氟离子电极法测骨氟含量 ,采用电子自旋共振 (ESR)方法观察了不同钙营养条件下大鼠骨自由基水平 ,并应用流式细胞术检测肾组织细胞内活性氧含量。结果 两组饮用含氟水大鼠的骨氟含量较对照组有显著性增高 ;饲低钙食两组大鼠骨自由基含量较常规食对照组明显升高 ,而常规食加氟组大鼠骨自由基含量明显比常规食对照组低 ;大鼠肾组织细胞内活性氧(ROS)在投氟组较之对照组有增多趋势 ,而这 2个投氟组大鼠的红细胞超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性较相应对照组偏低 ,细胞过氧化氢酶 (CAT)的活性在低钙食投氟 5 0mg/L组较常规食 10 0mgF-/L组降低。结论 氧化应激在氟中毒组织损害机制中的地位在骨与肾组织中是不同的 ,钙营养状况在氟中毒骨相损害中有着重要作用。 Objective To analyzed the level of free radical of bone and kidney in fluorosis rats. Methods The concentration of fluoride was analyed by F ion-selective electrode. The free radical level of bone was tested by ESR method. ROS was tested by the flow cytometry and the activity of CAT and SOD enzymes was measured at the same time. Results The concentration of fluoide of bonewas obviously higher in the two group of rats fed with NaF; The level of free radical of bone in the group of low calcium and the group low calcium+ fluoride group was higher than the control group, but that normal animal feeds + fluoride was lower compared with the control. The activity of RBC SOD in the two groups exposed to fluoride decreased ;The activity of RBC CAT is lower in the group low calcium+ fluoride than the group normal animal feeds + fluoride. Conclusions The status of oxide stress is different in the mechanism about fluorosis injury between bone and kidney. Calcium nutrition play a key role in bone injury in fluorosis.
出处 《中国地方病防治》 CAS 2004年第4期193-195,共3页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (39730 390 )
关键词 氟中毒 大鼠 肾组织 自由基 钙营养 肾脏 Fluorosis Bone Kidney Free radical
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