目的 了解社区流动人口妇女病的发病特点。方法 对北京市八里桥地区流动人口已婚及未婚有性生活妇女 987人进行妇女病普查并对结果进行分析。结果 有 89%的妇女首次进行正规妇女病普查 ,生殖道感染患病率为 81 2 % ,急慢性宫颈炎患病率为 35 2 % ,乳腺疾病患病率为 2 5 1% ,盆腔肿物患病率为 3 7% ,检出宫颈癌 1例。结论 流动人员定期妇女病普查率极低 ,此类人群生殖道感染发生率明显高于本地区同期常住人口 ,亦高于文献报道各类人群生殖道感染发生率 ,应从各方面足够重视这一群体 ,从而提高全社会女性生殖健康水平。
Objective To comprehend the characteristics of women′s diseases of the shifting population in communities and to provide references of making policies for women′s reproductive health and making high-quality-service measures for them.Methods To make spot universal examination of women′s diseases for 987 women,who are married or unmarried but have sex lives in Bad Liqiao Community of Beijing,and to analyze the result of universal examination.Results There were 89% women who had been checked formally for the first time.The rate of persons who got reproductive tract infection,cervicitis and galactophore disease was 81.2%,25.1% and 3.7% respectively.There was only one woman who got carcinoma of cervix uteri.Conclusion The rate of universal examination of women′s diseases for the shifting population was very low.The rate of the shifting population who got reproductive tract infection was higher than the citizens′ clearly in the same term,and it′s also higher than the rate of the other crowds who got reproductive tract infection reported by literature.We should pay much more attention to the shifting population in each aspect and improve the women′s reproductive health of the whole community.
Chinese General Practice