目的 :长期脂肪乳剂或脂肪乳剂加葡萄糖灌胃建立小鼠高脂血症模型。方法 :采用长期脂肪乳剂单独灌胃或加用葡萄糖灌胃 3个月的方法 ,测定血脂、血尿酸等指标 ,观察脂肪乳剂对小鼠机体的综合影响。结果 :脂肪乳剂组和脂肪乳剂加葡萄糖组肝系数、血脂含量均高于对照组 (P<0 .0 5)。结论 :提示长期脂肪乳剂或加葡萄糖灌胃可引起小鼠高脂血症及其机体的脏器改变。
Objective:To establish the hyperlipemic mouse model by long-term gastric perfusion of intralipid or intralipid plus glucose. Methods: The mice were treated with gastric perfusion of intralipid or intralipid plus glucose for 3 months. Their serum levels of uric acid and lipid, and organ indexes were also measured. Results: Serum lipid levels and liver index were remarkably increased in intralipid group (P<0.05), compared with control group. Conclusion: Long-term gastric perfusion of intralipid or intralipid plus glucose induces hyperlipidemia and pathological changes of organs in mice.
Journal of Guangdong Medical College