
溶胶-凝胶还原氮化合成β-sialon超细粉 被引量:10

摘要 以硝酸铝、正硅酸乙脂、无水乙醇、蔗糖等为起始原料 ,通过溶胶凝胶、还原氮化工艺制备了 β sialon超细粉体。研究了 β sialon晶种、Si3 N4 晶种、AlN晶种、添加剂、氮化温度等工艺条件对合成 β sialon粉体的影响。结果证明 :晶种的加入可以促进 β sialon的合成 ,降低其合成温度 ,其用量的多少对 β sialon的合成影响不明显 ;晶种种类对 β sialon合成影响较大 ,其中 β sialon晶种的促进效果最明显 ;1 45 0~ 15 0 0℃是比较合适的氮化温度。SEM的结果表明 ,合成的 β sialon的粒径在 30 0nm左右。同时还研究了Sialon ,Si3 N4 和AlN的水解性能。 With aluminium nitrate,silicon ethoxide,alcohol and sucrose etc. as starting materials, ultrafine βsialon powders were prepared by using solgel reductionnitridation processing. The influences of crystal seeds(βsialon, Si_(3)N_(4) and AlN), additives and nitridation temperature on the formation of βsialon were investigated. The results show that the seeding can promote the formation of βsialon and lowering the crystallization temperature. The effect of the amount of crystal seeds added on the crystallization of βsialon is insignificant, but the kind of crystal seeds (βsialon, Si_(3)N_(4) and AlN) is an important factor for βsialon formation. Among which βsialon seeds play the most effective role on the formation of βsialon. It shows that the temperature range of 1 450-1500 ℃ is a suitable nitridation temperature for βsialon preparation. The result of SEM indicates that the particle size of βsialon is about 300 nm, and the hydrolyzation of sialon, Si_(3)N_(4)and AlN are also discussed.
出处 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期925-929,共5页 Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society
基金 河南省高校青年骨干教师资助项目 湖北省耐火材料与高温陶瓷重点实验室省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地开放基地基金资助项目 (G0 40 7)。
关键词 β-sialon超细粉体 溶胶-凝胶 晶种 氮化 sialon ultrafine powder solgel crystal seed nitridation
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