本文对我国少数民族传统文化的现状和发展趋向作了宏观分析。文章认为 ,改革开放以来现代化的强烈冲击以及国家和社会对少数民族传统文化着力弘扬的双重作用 ,使当前少数民族传统文化呈现出复兴、衰退和变异并存的状况 ;而随着现代化进程的推进 ,尤其是西部大开发的实施和中国加入WTO的完成 ,这种状况将持续存在并加剧或扩展。为此 ,文章提出了正确对待衰退。
This article makes a macroscopic analysis of the present situation and trend of the traditional cultures of China's ethnic minorities. The article holds that the double actions by the modernnization's powerful pounding and the efforts made by the state and society in carrying forward the ethnic minorities' traditional cultures since the reform and opening up have made the ethnic minorities' traditional cultures to present a situation that the rejuvenation, decline and variations co exist, along with the moving forward of the modernization process, and particularly, with the carrying out of the development of China's western areas and completement of China's entering WTO, the situation will exist continuously and be intensified or expanded. For this reason this article puts forward some relevant proposals about correctly treating the decline, guiding healthy variations and promoting the all round prosperity, etc..
Ethno-National Studies