目的 探讨慢性心力衰竭 (CHF)患者血清三碘甲状腺原氨酸 (T3 )值的变化。方法 对比分析32例CHF患者的血清T3 值和 30例健康对照组的血清T3 值。结果 Ⅱ级CHF患者血清T3 值为 (1 0±0 5 2 )ng/ml,Ⅲ级CHF患者血清T3 值为 (0 81± 0 4 7)ng/ml,Ⅳ级CHF患者血清T3 值为 (0 6 3± 0 5 7)ng/ml,健康对照组血清T3 值为 (2 0 3± 0 4 5 )ng/ml,各级CHF血清T3 值均有下降 ,与健康对照组比较 ,差异有显著意义 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 CHF患者的血清T3 水平有降低。
Objective To investigate changes of serum triiodothyronine(T 3) in patients with chronic heart failure(CHF).Methods We measured the level of serum T 3 in 32 patients with CHF and 30 healthy controls.Results The level of serum T 3 in patients with Ⅱ class CHF was 1.0±0.52ng/ml,the level of serum T 3 in patients with Ⅲ class CHF was 0.81±0.47ng/ml,the level of serum T 3 in patients with Ⅳ class CHF was 0.63±0.57ng/ml and the level of serum T 3 in healthy controls was 2.03±0.45 ng/ml,the level of serum T 3 in patients with CHF was lower than that in healthy controls.Conclusion The level of serum T 3 in patients with CHF decreases with the degree of chronic heart failure.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Healthcare