桓仁林蛙RanahuanrenensisLiu ,Zhang ,&Liu ,1993与我国已知各种林蛙在产卵环境和产卵方式上都有明显区别。一般林蛙于秋末冬初产卵于静水水域如稻田中 ,产出的卵多漂浮在水体表层。而桓仁林蛙于春末夏初产卵于山区小河中 ,河面较宽而开阔 ,水流较慢而平缓 ,水底多石块 ,产出的卵成片粘贴于水底大石表面。
Besides morphological characteristics Huanren wood frog (Rana huanrenensis Liu, Zhang, & Liu) is much different from all known wood frog species found in China. Its breeding season is in the end of spring extending to the early summer. It selects medium mountainous river, water flowing slowly, and with many big stones in the bottom. It deposits her eggs adhere on the upper surface of the stone. On the other hand, the reproductive habits of all the known wood frogs found in China are much different from Huanren wood frog. The breeding season of other wood frog species are in late autumn or early winter. They select rice-field which full with water, small pond in hill or mountainous region with silent water, or, even there is inflow mouth and outflow mouth, but the brook flowed sluggishly. And they deposit their eggs floating on the water surface.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology