综述了目前国内外啤酒大麦麦芽品质性状的研究进展。内容包括 :麦芽品质性状的遗传模型和遗传力、配合力 ,影响麦芽品质性状的因素 ,麦芽品质性状间的相关性和相对重要性 ,当前麦芽品质性状研究上的不足之处。
The domestic and international advance in study on the malt quality traits of beer barley at present is reviewed in this paper The contents are:hereditary capacity and its models, combining ability in the malt quality of beer barley;The factors which effect on malt quality traits;The relationships and comparative importance between malt quality traits;The problems appeared during studying on the malt quality traits of beer barley at present
Barley Science