通过对普那菊苣不同生育期生长高度的营养成分进行分析测定 ,结果表明 :随着植株的生长 ,干物质中粗蛋白质含量以 1 .87个百分点的速度降低 ;而粗纤维、钙、磷则分别以 2 .0 7、0 .0 1 34和 0 .0 2 5个百分点的速度上升 ;粗脂肪含量在抽薹期株高 40cm时达到最大值 ,为 4.5 6 % ;无氮浸出物在分蘖期株高 2 5cm时达到最大值 ,为 36 .84%。结合不同刈割高度产量分析得出 ,在普那菊苣抽薹期株高 40cm时产量较高 ,达 4891kg/6 6 7m2 。
The results from determining nutrient components of different plant height at different growth stages in Puna (chicory), show that the crude protein content decreases by 1.87% with plant height increase at each growth stage, and the contents of crude fiber, Ca and P increase by 2.07%, 0.0134% and 0.025% with plant height increase at each growth stage respectively. The crude fat content is up to maximum value (4.56%) at 40cm of plant height at bolting stage and the extract of nitrogen-free is up to maximum value (36.84%) at 25cm of plant height at tiller stage. The optimum harvest time is at 40cm of plant height at bolting stage, because its yield can reach 73.37 t/ha and nutrient components revealing a rational level by comprehensive analysis.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences