
2000~2002年青岛地区沙尘天气分析 被引量:5

The Analysis of Sand-Dust Storms Invading Qingdao During 2000 to 2002
摘要 利用气象台沙尘天气常规观测资料和micaps天气图资料 ,借助美国国家海洋和大气局 (NOAA)后向轨迹模式 (HYSPLIT) ,分析了影响青岛市的沙尘来源、移动路径 ,以及沙尘粒子的干沉降通量。结果表明 :青岛市沙尘天气主要发生在春季 ,一天中出现沙尘频率最高时刻是 1 4时。影响青岛的沙尘暴天气主要爆发于蒙古国 ,在境内的浑善达克沙地、科尔沁沙地以及蒙晋冀长城沿线得到加强后到达青岛。影响青岛的沙尘天气移动路径主要是偏西和偏北两条路径 ,偏西路径是爆发于蒙古国的沙尘暴由内蒙古中部入侵 ,沿着山西北部 -河北 -山东 -青岛的路径到达青岛 ;偏北路径是爆发于蒙古国的沙尘暴由内蒙古东部入侵 ,经内蒙古东部的浑善达克沙地或科尔沁沙地至河北北部 ,再沿京津地区 -山东 -青岛的路径到达青岛。每年由青岛入黄海的沙尘粒子干沉降通量为 5 1 3gm- 2 a- 1 ,春季的干沉降通量为 0 2 0gm- 2 d- 1 ,整个黄海每天的总干沉降量为 7 5 8× 1 0 5g。 Based on the routine observation data in Sand-dust weather in Qingdao, the mica ps meteorology data, and the backward trajectory model in NOAA, the location and movement routes of Sand-dust aerosols which invaded Qingdao and deposition on the sea were analyzed The results showed that sand-dust weather in Qingdao oc curred frequently in spring, and the highest time of day was 14:00 Most sand dust storms affected Qingdao came from Mongolia, and dust aerosols in Qingdao ca me from two areas: the desert in east of Inner Mongolia and the dene along the G reat Wall The west track and the north track were two movement routes of dust aerosols which intruded Qingdao coastal area The west track was that the sand -dust storm which broke out in Mongolia invaded in China from the middle part o f inner Mongolia, arrived in Qingdao by the north of shanxi, hebei, and shandong The north track was that the sand-dust storm which broke out in Mongolia inv aded in China from east of inner Mongolia, arrived in Qingdao by hunshandake des ert or keerqin desert, north of hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, and shandong Dry depo sition flux to the Yellow Sea was about 51 3 g m -2 a -1, and atmosph eric flux in spring was 0 20 g m -2d -1 The all dry deposition of Y ellow Sea were 7 58×10 5 g each day
出处 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 2004年第3期510-519,共10页 Climatic and Environmental Research
基金 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金 科技部"亚洲棕色云综合影响及我国应对战略研究"项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目 40 2 0 5 0 1 7资助
关键词 沙尘天气 移动路径 沙尘源地 干沉降通量 sand-dust movement route sand source dry deposition f lux
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