
论中庸理性:工具理性、价值理性和沟通理性之外 被引量:199

On Zhongyong Rationality:Beyond instrumental,value,and communicative rationality
摘要 This paper analyses the zhongyong mode of orientation in the Confucian tradition from a social scientific perspective.It consists of three parts.Part One discusses different types of rationality and then points out that the most fundamental problem inadvanced modern society is what may be called the “paradox of reason”,to which Habermas’ communicative rationality is hardly a practical solution.Part Two portrays zhongyong as a rational mode of orientation,which is neither instrumental\|rational nor value\|rational but a mixture of both.It also argues that zhongyong rationality has greater potential than communicative rationality,as far as offering a solution to the above\|mentioned problem is concerned.Part Three examines the traces of the zhong yong mode of orientation among contemporary Chinese by examining three sets of data,namely,a qualitative study of Confucian entrepreneurs in China's Mainland,Hong Kong,Taiwan,Malaysia and Singapore,a survey study of social values of the residents in five Chinese communities,and a study of conflict resolution among peasants in a village in Guangdong Province. This paper analyses the zhongyong mode of orientation in the Confucian tradition from a social scientific perspective.It consists of three parts.Part One discusses different types of rationality and then points out that the most fundamental problem inadvanced modern society is what may be called the “paradox of reason”,to which Habermas' communicative rationality is hardly a practical solution.Part Two portrays zhongyong as a rational mode of orientation,which is neither instrumental\|rational nor value\|rational but a mixture of both.It also argues that zhongyong rationality has greater potential than communicative rationality,as far as offering a solution to the above\|mentioned problem is concerned.Part Three examines the traces of the zhong yong mode of orientation among contemporary Chinese by examining three sets of data,namely,a qualitative study of Confucian entrepreneurs in China's Mainland,Hong Kong,Taiwan,Malaysia and Singapore,a survey study of social values of the residents in five Chinese communities,and a study of conflict resolution among peasants in a village in Guangdong Province.
出处 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第2期33-48,共16页 Sociological Studies
基金 香港研究资助局拔款资助!(编号 :CUHK32 2 / 95H)
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