本文综述当前国外关于语言“主观性”(subjectivity)和“主观化”(subjectivisation)的研究情况。“主观性”是指语言的这样一种特性 ,说话人在说出一段话的同时表明自己对这段话的立场、态度和感情 ,“主观化”是指语言为表现这种主观性而采用相应的结构形式或经历相应的演变过程。重视这方面的研究跟近来语言学“人文主义”的复苏有关 ,特别是功能语言学、语用学、“认知语法”的兴起 ,使长期以来占主导地位的结构语言学和形式语言学所主张的“科学主义”受到挑战。文章首先对研究比较集中的三个方面作了介绍 ,即 1 )说话人的视角 (perspective) ;2 )说话人的情感 (affect) ;3)说话人的认识 (epis temicmodality)。对“主观化”的研究有侧重历时相和侧重共时相两种取向 ,前者以E .Traugott的“语法化”( grammaticalisation)研究为代表 ,后者以R .Langacker的“认知语法”为代表。本文对这两种取向的差异和相通之处作了介绍。
This is a survey of recent studies in the West on linguistic subjectivity and subjectivisation. Subjectivity concerns the linguistic expression of a speaker's point of view or attitude in discourse, and subjectivisation refers to the structures and strategies that languages evolve in the realisation of subjectivity or to the relevant processes of the evolution themselves. Current interest in the topic is related to a renaissance of humanistic linguistics. Three main areas have been the focus of recent studies, and they are expression of a speaker's perspective, expression of a speaker's affect, and expression of a speaker's epistemic status. There are two approaches in the study of subjectivisation, a diachronic one as adopted by E.Traugott who combines the study of subjectivisation with the study of grammaticalisation, and a synchronic one as represented by R.Langacker who treats subjectivisation in the framework of his “Cognitive Grammar'. The differences and similarities of these two approaches are also pointed out.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research