本文作者以 1 0 1名非英语专业硕士生为对象 ,分析和研究了学生英语成绩与成就动机和状态焦虑的相关性。研究结果表明 :( 1 )学生英语成绩总体上受焦虑情绪影响 ,差异检验达显著水平 ,而且测试反映焦虑源更多来自完形填空问题的解决 ;( 2 )学生英语成绩与成就动机存在正相关 ,差异均达显著水平 ;( 3 )女生的焦虑状态高于男生 ,男生的成就动机Ms 值高于女生 ,而女生的成就动机Mf 值高于男生。
This is a study of the effect of achievement motivation and anxiety state on English test scores. The subjects for the survey are 101 non_English major graduate students. Statistical results show that the scores of students are significantly correlated with anxiety state and an obvious source of anxiety comes from cloze test items. A clear positive correlation is also found between achievement motivation and language learning success. The anxiety state of females is more obvious than that of males and Ms value (Motive success) in achievement motivation for males is above Ms for females while the Mf value (Motive failure) for females is above Mf for males.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research