
中国“非市场经济地位”与美国贸易政治 被引量:13

China's“Non-Market Economy Status”and U.S.Trade Politics
摘要 “市场经济地位”和“市场经济”一样 ,不仅仅是经济学词汇。“市场经济”是一个意识形态术语 ,更接近于“民主国家” ,而“市场经济地位”则更多的是一个法律术语 ,是国际贸易纠纷仲裁中一个重要的标准。贸易是真正的政治 ,不仅牵涉到国际政治 ,更牵涉到国内政治。贸易谈判如果不能和国内政治连线 ,在贸易谈判中一定会处于劣势 ,甚至签下“城下之盟”。今后 ,我国面临的贸易保护及谈判压力只会与时俱增。理解美国贸易政治的机制 ,探求改进贸易政策制定的结构 ,实为当务之急。 Market economy status,”like the term“market economy,”is not merely an economic term.“Market economy”is quite similar to the term“democratic country”which makes an ideological judgment,while“market economy status”is rather a juristic term,which serves as an important standard in arbitrating international trade disputes.Trade is politics in a true sense,which involves not only international politics but also domestic politics.If domestic politics is not linked closely to trade negotiations,the country in question is in an inferior position in its trade talks.China's entry into the WTO with“non-market economy status”resulted from the interactions of U.S.trade politics.From another point of view,this reflects the effectiveness of U.S.trade politics.Against this backdrop,it can be predicted that China will be under increasing pressures from trade protection and in trade talks with each passing day.Thus China must urgently seek to seek to perfect its policy-making structure in trade in light of its understanding of the mechanism of U.S.trade politics.
作者 宿景祥
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第10期57-62,共6页 World Economics and Politics
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