本研究采用情境故事法 ,对 154名 9- 16岁儿童的合作倾向与合作意图进行了探讨。结果表明 ,随着年级升高 ,儿童的合作倾向逐渐减小 ,初二到高一之间是儿童的合作倾向发展的转折期 ,同伴关系是影响儿童合作倾向的稳定因素 ;儿童的合作意图随年龄增长日趋复杂和分化 ,维系良好的同伴关系的意图随年龄增长变化不大 ,自利意图逐渐减弱 ,利他意图逐渐增强。
The major purpose of the present study was to examine the cooperative preference and cooperative intention of the choldren from age 9 to 16. Four cooperative dilemma stories was used as experimenal materials and 154 students participated in the experiment . The main results indicated that:(1)Children's cooperative preference gradually decreased with grade. And age 14-16 was the key period of the decrease in cooperation.(2)Children's cooperative intention got increasingly complicated and differentiated. The intention to maintain friendship was stable and predominant motive for cooperation. With the age growing, altruistism became a more inportant agent in eliciting children's cooperative choice, while egotisitic concern resulted in less cooperative preference.
Psychological Development and Education