对近年来中医药治疗高血压合并胰岛素抵抗的状况进行了评述 ,认为多种中药具有降压、降脂、降糖及改善胰岛素抵抗作用 ,相信中药复方对高血压治疗有益 ,且提高胰岛素血症靶细胞敏感性是其主要作用机理。
This paper presents a review on Chinese medicines in treatment of hypertension complicated by insulin resistance in recent years. Many kinds of Chinese medicines are taken as being effective in dropping blood pressure, reducing blood-lipid and blood-sugar, and weakening insulin resistance effect. Compound prescriptions are greatly helpful to this disease, which mainly depends on the machanism of increasing sensitivity of target cells in blood syndrome due to insulin disorder.
Journal of Henan University of Chinese Medicine