
红壤坡地雨水地表径流及其侵蚀 被引量:32

Surface Runoff from Rainfall and Its Erosion on Slop Lands of a Red Soil
摘要 模拟我国红壤坡地主要利用方式构建的垫面为主导因子,采用径流场实测方法,以4年(1998—2001年)实地观测试验结果为基本依据,探讨了不同雨水年份地表径流特征、径流量和系统侵蚀量;重点解析不同垫面对雨水地表径流及其过程系统侵蚀的影响。结果表明,降雨(时间分布及其强度)是影响地表径流特征的主导因素;年降雨量与地表径流量和系统侵蚀量呈正相关。不同垫面地表径流产量有显著性差异,产径流量的排列顺序为:农作区>茶园区>湿地松>甜柿园>柑橘园>退化区>恢复区。雨水径流过程的系统侵蚀有相似的表现。本文在假定雨水年份的基础上,应用不同雨水年份出现的概率指标,还推算出我国南方红壤坡地目前利用状况下雨水产地表径流过程的年均水土流失量及其养分(全C、N、P、K)损失量以及最大开发利用时可能带来的水土流失与养分损失。提出了“利用坡地集雨优势,构建与单元生态系统水循环平衡相适应的坡地农林复合生态系统,通过水平衡生态建设来维系生态系统的水分平衡”观点。 The present investigation studied characteristics of surface runoff from rainfall,the runoff and erosion with different rainwater on basis of a fi eld observation trial between 1998 and 2001 by simulating main utilization patte rn of landscape. The investigation paid emphasis on explaining influence of diff erence land utilization patterns upon precipitation surface runoff and system er osion in the process. The results showed that rainfall (time distributing and it s intensity) was the main factor influencing on surface runoff characteristics. The rainwater per year was positively correlated with surface runoff and system erosion. The dynamics of precipitation determined the various characteristics of surface producing runoff, and their change tendency was consistent. The more pr ecipitation was, the more consistency was. The runoff was linearly positively co rrelated with the rainwater on condition of surface runoff by rainfall. Among th e different landscapes, there was a significant difference in surface runoff pat terns. The order was: farming > tea plant >slash pine > persimmon plant > orange >natural degradation > natural recuperation. The cultivation intensity influenc ed greatly on soil and sand loss. For example, the loss was 1 294.2 kg·hm-2 ·a-1 for farming, 132.9 kg·hm-2·a-1 for degradation area, and 56.2 k g·hm-2·a-1 on natural recuperation area, respectively. The soil loss due to tillage was more 10 times than nature reservation or natural vegetation util ization on the slope. For orchards and tea gardens both there were lower 2~3 t imes than the farms with tillage. However, there was more 6~12 times than that on the condition of natural utilization and conservation. In terms of organic m atter loss in the process of precipitation surface runoff, there were some diffe rences, but not significant. And crop stump loss was correlated with its existen ce and existent form. According to the probability index of various precipitatio n years, we also calculated soil and water loss at present on slop lands of red soil. In case of rainfall was(135.32 mm)13.5×104 m3·km-2·a-1, the loss of the soil was (about 0.02 mm) 37 t·km-2a-1, and the loss of organic matter (plant stump) was 25 t·km-2·a-1. Among them, organic matter was 19.5 t·km-2·a-1 and nutrient was (N+P+K)1.108 t·km-2·a-1. Ma king use of rainfall of slope lands, agro-forest multi-ecosystems in the hil ly land adaptive for water equilibrium of unit ecosystems were constructed. It i s suggested that the ecological construction can maintain ecosystem water balanc e.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期839-845,共7页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX2-SW-415)
关键词 红壤坡地 垫面 地表径流 侵蚀 Slop lands of red soil landscape surface runoff erosion
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