目的 了解冠心病患者急性冠脉事件后胸痛症状在性别上的分布差异。方法 连续性收录心内科急性冠脉事件 1周内冠心病患者 6 83例 ,7天之内予以标准问卷调查 ,记录临床及非临床数据 ,以及 1周内的胸痛症状及发作情况。应用单因素及多因素分析确定胸痛发作的相关因子。结果 单因素分析显示 ,女性较男性报告胸痛症状比例明显高 (90 .3%vs83.1% ,P =0 .0 16 ) ;但多因素分析显示两者并无显著性差异 ,有无胸痛症状主要与冠心病的诊断分型、患者健康自评分级、有无运动习惯及是否合并情绪焦虑有关。
Objective To explore whether there is sex difference in reporting of symptom of chest pain in CHD inpatients after an acute coronary artery event.Methods CHD inpatients within 7 days of onset of an acute coronary artery event including SAP, UAP and AMI, and those who underwent angiography and PTCA were consecutively recruited. Standardized questionnaires including whether there is a recent chest pain or not were administered within 7 days. Depression and anxiety were measured by HADS-D. χ 2 test and t test were used to compare the patients with and without chest pain. Logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for confounders.Results 396 males ( 83.1%) and 187 females ( 90.3%) reported symptom of chest pain (P= 0.016). However, after adjustment for confounders by using logistic regression analysis, chest pain was significantly associated with patients' diagnostic type of CHD, self-evaluation of health statue, exercise habit and co-morbidity of anxiety.Conclusion There is not significant difference between the male and female CHD inpatients in reporting the symptom of chest pain right after an acute coronary event.
Central China Medical Journal