
八角茴香挥发油抗念珠菌活性的体外研究 被引量:46

In Vitro Anti-candidal Activity of the Essential Oil of Illicium verum
摘要 目的探讨八角茴香挥发油体外抗念珠菌活性及与氟康唑在联合抑菌实验中的相互作用。方法参照NCCLSM27-A方案中的微量液基稀释法检测八角茴香挥发油对130株临床分离念珠菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)与最小杀菌浓度(MFC),并以氟康唑作为质控药物;同时采用棋盘微量稀释法对18株念珠菌进行了八角茴香挥发油与氟康唑的体外联合抑菌实验。结果八角茴香挥发油对临床分离念珠菌的MIC及MFC分别为白念珠菌1517.16μg/mL与2248.55μg/mL、光滑念珠菌1169.24μg/mL与2338.49μg/mL、近平滑念珠菌1320.03μg/mL与1741.79μg/mL、热带念珠菌1203.50μg/mL与2407.01μg/mL、克柔念珠菌1516.32μg/mL与2144.40μg/mL及季也蒙念珠菌1072.64μg/mL与2144.40μg/mL。八角茴香挥发油与氟康唑联用对氟康唑敏感株及耐药株均表现出较好的协同相加作用,而且未发现有拮抗作用,两组间分数抑菌浓度指数(FICI)差异无显著性(P=0.67)。结论八角茴香挥发油对临床常见致病性念珠菌有程度相似的抗菌作用;八角茴香挥发油与氟康唑联用对念珠菌主要表现为协同相加作用。 Objective To investigate the in vitro anti-candidal activity of the essential oil of Illicium verum (EOIV) alone and in combination with fluconazole. Methods The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of EOIV were determined in 130 clinically isolated Candida strains by NCCLS-M27-A microdilution method, and fluconazole was used as positive control. Meanwhile the checkerboard microdilution method was applied to assay the combined effect of EOIV and fluconazole in 18 candidal strains. Results For the 18 candidal strains the MICs and the MFCs of EOIV were 1 517.16 μg/mL and 2 248.55 μg/mL for C. albicans, 1 169.24 μg/mL and 2 338.49 μg/mL for C. glabrata, 1 320.03 μg/mL and 1 741.79 μg/mL for C. parapsilosis, 1 203.50 μg/mL and 2 407.01 μg/mL for C. tropicalis, 1 516.32 μg/mL and 2 144.40 μg/mL for C. krusei, and 1 072.64 μg/mL and 2 144.40 μg/mL for C. guilliermondii, respectively. Significant synergistic and additive effects were observed after the combination of EOIV with fluconazole, and no antagonism was found. There was no significant difference in the mean fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) between the fluconazole-susceptible and the fluconazole-resistant candidal strains (P = 0.671). Conclusion EOIV has antifungal effects on medically important Candida spp.. The combination of EOIV with fluconazole presents a synergistic and additive effects.
出处 《中华皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期475-477,共3页 Chinese Journal of Dermatology
关键词 八角茴香 挥发油 抗念珠菌活性 氟康唑 抑菌实验 Essential oil, Illicium verum Candida Fluconazole Microbial sensitivity tests
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