
常规放疗加后程三维适形放射治疗鼻咽癌61例分析 被引量:2

Efficacy of 61 nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients treated by 3 dimensional conformal radiation.
摘要 目的 探讨常规分次外照射加后程三维适形放射治疗在鼻咽癌治疗中的价值。方法  2 0 0 0年 4月~ 2 0 0 2年 9月用常规外照射加三维适形放射治疗鼻咽癌患者 6 1例。先常规外照 4 6~ 6 0Gy(平均 5 0Gy) ,后改用三维适形放射放疗 ,每次 4Gy~ 7Gy(平均 5 5Gy)共 3~ 4次 ,隔天 1次。结果  1、2、3年生存率分别为 10 0 % (5 5 /5 5 )、96 4 % (5 3/5 5 )、10 0 % (5 /5 ) ,总的局控率 95 1% (5 8/6 1) ,无严重并发症。结论 鼻咽癌常规外照射 5 0Gy后采用三维适形放射治疗 ,近期局控率较好 。 Objective To evalute the value of 3 Dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT)in the treament of nasopharyngeal cacinoma (NPC).Methods Sixty-one patients with NPC were initially treated conventional radiotherapy and late course 3D-CRT between April 2000 and September 2002.After 46~60Gy(mean,50Gy)of enternal beam irradiation,these patients were given 3D-CRT boost of 4~7Gy/F for 3~4F on the other days.Results Total survivals:1 year 100%(55/55),2 year 96.4%(53/55),3 year 100%(5/5).The overall local control rate was 95.1%(58/61),no severe complications were found.Conclusion This trial demenstrate that patients who received late course 3D-CRT boost after external beam irradiation were effetive and safe,and the local control rate is satisfactory.
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2004年第5期450-451,共2页 Journal of Modern Oncology
关键词 鼻咽癌 适形放射治疗 nasopharyngeal carcinoma 3 dimensional conformal radiation therapy .
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