
政治合法性理论及其分析架构 被引量:23

Theory of Political Legitimacy and Its Analytic Framework
摘要 合法性理论的分析架构主要包括合法性的实质、基础,合法性危机的成因、表现、应对策略等内容。合法性在政治学上是指公众对政治统治的认可与支持,它关系到政治统治何以持久的问题;合法性基础可以通过纵横两个向度的指标来衡量。在横向上需要考察统治的合利益性、合道德性与合法律性因素;在纵向上则需要研究合法性的历时性特征。民主是现代政治体系合法性的唯一源泉;如果合法性的基础被削弱或被破坏会出现合法性危机,合法性危机的直接表现就是政治不稳定;应对合法性危机可以有改革或革命两种选择。 The analytic framework of the theory of legitimacy is composed of the essence and basis of legitimacy, and also the formation, performance and countermeasure of legitimacy crisis. In politics, legitimacy refers to the public's acceptance of and voluntary obedience to the political system, which is essential to the persistent rule of the political system. Legitimacy can be evaluated by its conformation to public interests, morality, legalization and its diachronic features. In modern society, democracy is the only source of legitimacy of modern political system. Weakened or sabotaged bases of legitimacy would result in legitimacy crises and political instability. To deal with legitimacy crises, reform or revolution can be chosen.
作者 赵海立
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期42-48,共7页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
关键词 合法性 合法性基础 合法性危机 legitimacy, bases of legitimacy, legitimacy crises
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