Objective:By analyzing the medical records on 50 patients with protrasion of intervertebral disc in lumbar, we studied the effects on internal absorption by the treatment of dragging, manipulation, acupuncture and non -operation, etc. Methods:The extend is typed into three types protruding, falling out and freedom according to iconography. The shape of vertebral canal is typed into three types;ellipse, triangle and three - leaf. We have observed and analysed the changes by value of diameters of vertebral canal and vector, and the cross area of the extend. The data has been treated statistically. Results:The study shows that the larger of the cross area on the vertebral canal, the stronger ability of the absorption; while the best absorption is the type of ellipse, the better, triangle, and the worst, three - leaf. The farther the nucleus pulposus, the stronger ability of the absorption, Based on the typing, after the anulus firbrosus is destroyed, the farther the nucleus pulposus frees, the better the internal absorption. The more clear the clinical symptom and sign, the better the clinical effects by dragging , manipulation and physical therapy and the better the internal absorption, especially the type of freedom in acute attack, for the more component of nucleus pulposus protruded outside of the durae matris and easily was absorbed with the rejection. Conclusions: Promote the absorption of protrasion of intervertebral disci in lumbar by dragging, manipulation and physical theropy, etc.
Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics
Protrasion of intervertebral disc in lumbar Internal absorption Related factors.