目的 探讨老年糖尿病 (diabetesmellitus,DM )患者跌倒的发生情形及其相关环境因素。方法 10 1例老年DM患者为研究对象 ,男 5 5例 ,女 4 6例 ,平均年龄 (6 9.0 1± 6 .4 1)岁 ,采用描述性研究方法 ,调查测评与跌倒相关的环境因素。结果 老年DM年跌倒发生率为 2 4 .75 %。老年DM患者发生跌倒组合并脑血管病变、DM视网膜病变、DM肾病、DM周围神经病变者明显高于老年DM患者未发生跌倒组 (P <0 .0 5 ,P <0 .0 1)。 82 .2 % (2 3/ 2 8)的老年DM患者跌倒多有先兆症状 :主要表现为站立不稳 (5 0 .0 0 % )、头晕 (14 .2 9% )、双腿发软 (7.14 % )、眩晕(10 71% ) ;跌倒发生在冬、夏季、白天、室内、穿着拖鞋及行走中的DM患者分别为 39.2 9% ,71.4 3% ,5 3.5 7% ,4 2 86 %和 5 7.12 %。结论 应高度重视对老年DM患者并发症的评估、复习近期跌倒史、跌倒时活动情况 ,加强对老年DM患者的安全教育 ,合理使用降糖药、降压药 ,对预防、减少DM患者跌倒的发生有重要意义。
Objective To investigate the frequency of falls in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus and discuss related environmental factors Methods Included in this study were 101 elderly diabetic patients(69.01±6.41 years,male 55, female 46).Results The frequency of falls in diabetic patients was 24.75%.The number of diabetic patients( in falls).The occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents, retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy was higher in diabetic patients who had had falls than that in diabetic patients who did not have falls (P<0.05,P<0.01). 82.2% of the falling patients have precursors, including unstable gait(50.00%), dizzniness(14.29%),weakness in legs(7.14%),and vertigo(10.71%).Falls were more like to occur in winter and spring(39.29%), during daytime (71.43%),when the patients were indoors (53.57%),and when they were wearing slippers (42.86%) and during walking (57.12%) .Conclusions To prevent falls in elderly diabetic patients, special attention should be paid to the history of falls, activity risks and related environmental factors that may cause falls.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army