目的 :研究 2 ,6 -二氯酚靛酚法与 2 ,4 -二硝基苯肼法测定蔬菜和水果及尿液中抗坏血酸含量之间的关系。方法 :对蔬菜和水果样品 ,及扬州医学院大学生和市某幼儿园儿童 3h尿总量 ,收集前受试者排空小便后 ,口服 5 0 0 m g维生素C片剂 ,饮水 4 0 0 ml。分别用上述两种方法进行测定样品中维生素 C。结果 :在冬瓜和黄瓜中 ,两种方法所测维生素 C结果差异无统计学意义 ,而在黄豆芽和绿豆芽中 ,两种方法测定结果差异有统计学意义。对于尿样中的维生素 C,2 ,6 -二氯酚靛酚法所测定结果明显高于 2 ,4 -二硝基苯肼法 ,两者有明显的相关关系 ,其回归方程为 Y=- 14 .5 7+0 .5 2 9X。结论 :当用 2 ,6 -二氯酚靛酚法测定绿豆和黄豆芽中的维生素 C时 ,其误差较大。但对于尿中维生素 C,如果使用 2 ,6 -二氯酚靛酚法 。
Objective:This paper was conducted to study the relationship between the two methods,2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine method,to determine vitamin C in vegatable,fruit and urine.Methods:The samples of vegetable and fruit came from the flea market in Yangzhou city.The samples of urine were taken from the college students and children of nursery school randomly about 3 hours after that they took into 500mg of vitamin C and drank 400ml of sater.vitamin C in these samples was determined by the two methods respectively.Results:No significant differences of vitamin C results assayed by the two methods were found in some vegetables,such as cucumber and white gourd.Though the contents of viamin C in cabbage assayed by 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol method was higher than that of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine method,there was no biological significant because the difference was less than 3mg/100g.However,the results of vitamin C in samples such as soybean and mung bean sprouts were significantly different as far as the concentration of vitamin C in urine was concerned,the vitamin C result determined by 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol method was most significantly higher than that by 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine,but the regression relationship was found between the two methods.The equation was =-14.57+0.529X.Conclusion:The results of vitamin c in soybean and mung bean sprout have big errors if the 2,6-Dischlorophenolindophenol method is used to assay it.However,the regression equation can be used if 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol method is taken to assay vitamin C in urine.
Modern Preventive Medicine