:[目的 ] 研究孕妇感染HBV其脐血和初乳的感染率和排毒率。 [方法 ] 应用ELISA筛选出 2 13例HBV感染孕妇 ,并用PCR和ELISA法测脐血和初乳HBVDNA和HBVM。 [结果 ] 感染孕妇HBsAg阳性率45 .0 7% ,脐血和初乳感染率以母亲大三阳组最高 ,小三阳组次之 ,单一HBsAg阳性组最低 ;排毒率顺序相同。HB sAg阴性孕妇其脐血和初乳的感染率、排毒率与母亲血中抗体种类和性质有关。 [结论 ] 脐血和初乳HBV感染与孕妇HBV感染程度有关。育龄前青年女性应作乙肝疫苗的免疫接种 ,以减少孕期HBV的感染。产后母乳喂养的选择 。
Objective] To study the infection and removal rate of HBV virus among infected pregnant women. [Method] 213 pregnant women were detected with HBV infection by using ELISA. Cord blood and colostrum were tested for HBVM also with ELISA and for HBV-DNA with PCR. [Results] 96 women were found to be HBsAg positive. Infection rate was the highest in the HBsAg,HBeAg,anti-HBc all positive mothers. The HBsAg,anti-HBe,anti-HBc positive mothers was the second high. Single HBsAg positive mothers had the lowest rate. Virus removal rate was thesame as infection rate. Infection and virus removal rate of cord blood and colostrum were interrelated with antibody of mother. [Conclusion] The HBV infection of cord blood and colostrum were related to HBV infection of pregnant women. So we suggest that young women should be given vaccination against hepatitis B before child bearing age. Whether breast feeding was suitable should depend upon the presence of HBVM of mother's blood.
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine