
银翘挥发油/β-环糊精包合常数的测定研究 被引量:16

Determination of constant for the inclusion complex of Yinqiao volatile oil with β-cyclodextrin
摘要 目的 :测定中药多组分 / β 环糊精的包合常数。 方法 :在多波长下探测银翘挥发油包合作用的紫外光谱特征 ,以经验公式处理紫外吸收 浓度关系 ,测定其包合常数 ;以相溶解度曲线验证包合比 ;以饱和水溶液法制备包合物 ,差热法进行包合物鉴定。结果 :紫外测定条件下 ,银翘挥发油 / β 环糊精包合反应能够在多波长处显示良好的线形特征 ,包合比为 1∶1。结论 :采用多波长法可测定中药多组分表观包合常数 。 Objective: To determine the constant for the inclusion complex of Yinqiao volatile oil with β-cyclodextrin. Method: The stability constant for the inclusion complex of Yinqiao the volatile oil with β-cyclodextrin was detemined under multiwavelength by ultraviolet spectroscopy, and spectroscopy feature for inclusion complex was studied. The phase solubility-curve showed the inclusion proportion. The inclusion complex of Yinqiao the volatile oil with β-cyclodextrin was prepared by saturated aqueous solution. The DTA spectroscopy of inclusion complex was different from not only oil with β-cyclodextrin but also the mixture of them. Result: The inclusion complex of Yinqiao the volatile oil with β-cyclodextrin was formed. The experimental data of inclusion complex fitted well to the molar ratio of 1∶1. There was good liner feature under multiwavelength of ultraviolet spectroscopy. Conclusion: Adopting multiwavelength method may determine the appearant stability constant of multicomponential traditional drug. The determination of the stability constant of the inclusion complex can be used in traditional drug.[
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期739-742,共4页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
关键词 包合物 挥发油 中药 Β-环糊精 紫外吸收 饱和水溶液法 处理 多组分 多波长 差热法 cyclodextrins ultraviolet spectroscopy constant of the inclusion complex phase solubility-curve DTA thermograms spectroscopy
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