AIM:To improve the method to estabilish the model of myocardial ischemia reperfusion, and improve the successful rate,so as to repeatedly use the models in experiments and ensure that the experiment can be performed successfully. METHODS:Adult SD rats were used to make the models of myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury.The ribs of rats were cut off after arterial intercostals were ligated.The thorax dilater was not used, and instead, the stump of ribs were extracted to the opposite sides with wire ligature to expose the heart.The ligation of coronary artery was performed in the pleural(thoracic) cavity. RESULTS:The successful rate of model improvement method was 100%, and that of traditional method was 80%.The successful rate using this model establishment method in repeated ischemia reperfusion experiments was 90%; while that using traditional method was 10%. CONCLUSION:The improved method is simple and convenient,with high successful rate and the model is good for myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury experiment,and it is a successful method to succeed myocardial ischemia preconditioning experiment in rats.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation