AIM:To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT for ankylosing spondylitis(AS) and the relation between the course and the lesion classification of sacroiliac joint with CT.METHODS:All 330 patients were candidated, who were from Xijing Hospital of Fourth Military Medical University, with diagnosed or suspected AS by clinical and experimental tests, and coincidence to AS Clinical Screening Criterion suggested by Calin et al in 1977. Features of X ray and CT scan were classified and compared respectively. Meanwhile, patients were divided into four groups according to the course of AS, and the lesion of sacroiliac joint between these 4 groups was analyzed.RESULTS:Among all patients with sacroiliac joints in five degrees (0 to Ⅳ) diagnosed by X ray and CT,the coincidence ratios were 28.8%,36.2%, 9.8%,75.2%and 89.5%,respectively.Meanwhile, the results showed that there were higher coincidence ratios of X ray and CT in Ⅲand Ⅳdegrees, but there were 71.2%(0 degree),44.1%(Ⅰdegree) and 34.3%(Ⅱdegrees) diagnosed as 0 to Ⅱdegrees by X ray, which were raised to one or two degrees according to CT findings. The ratios of 0 toⅡdegrees in AS patients below 1 year, 1 to 2 years and above 3 years were 92.8%, 65.7%and 29.3%, and the ratios of Ⅲand Ⅳdegrees were 7.2%, 34.3%and 74.1%, respectively.CONCLUSION:Above all, CT scan is very useful for examining the sacroiliac joints in AS. The resolution power for small signs of CT is higher than that of X ray. Therefore, the suspected AS patients should be examinated by CT to make sure the lesion of sacroiliac joints early.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation