目的 分析宫颈糜烂的影响因素。方法 采用整群抽样调查搜集资料 ,采用多分类回归分析筛选影响因素。结果 宫颈糜烂Ⅰ度、Ⅱ度和Ⅲ度的患病率分别为 3 3 69%、 19 74%和 7 5 8% ,其影响因素为年龄、初潮年龄、是否怀过孕、经期下水田、洗澡频率 5个因素。结论 为了有效预防宫颈糜烂 ,应尽量避免早婚、多孕和人工流产 ,并养成良好的个人卫生习惯。
Objective To study the influence factors of cervical erosion. Methods To collect data by cluster sampling and analyze data by polychotomous Logistic regression. Results The prevalence of cervical erosion for three degrees:Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ were 33.69%,19.74% and 7.58% respectively,and the influence factors were age,menarche age,pregnancy,paddy field during menses and frequencies of taking bath. Conclusions In order to prevent cervical erosion effectively,it is necessary to avoid getting merry at earlier age,more pregnancies and induced abortions,and to build up and stick to good individual health habits.
Chinese Preventive Medicine
美国福特基金会资助项目 (横向项目 )