目的:研究芦荟多糖(AP)的抗瘤作用及其机制。方法:采用移植性S_(180)肿瘤小鼠(实体瘤)和H_(22)肝癌小鼠(腹水瘤),单独ip或iv AP,或与环磷酰胺(CTX)、阿霉素(ADM)、氟脲嘧啶(FU)联合用药。连续给药10天后,S_(180)肿瘤小鼠剥取瘤块,称重,减毒试验则于处死前采血,化验血象,计算脾指数和胸腺指数;H_(22)肝癌小鼠停药后观察生存时间,或于停药后24小时取血,放射免疫分析法测IL-2和TNF含量。结果:AP 25mg/kg·d、50mg/kg·d两个剂量单独给药时,能显著降低S_(180)肉瘤移植小鼠瘤块重量,显著延长H_(22)肝癌移植小鼠的生存时间;与三种抗肿瘤药物合用时,均有不同程度的增效作用,且可减轻化疗药物的副作用;可显著提高荷瘤鼠血清中IL-2、TNF含量。结论:AP对移植性S_(180)肿瘤小鼠和H_(22)肝癌小鼠具有抗肿瘤作用及化疗增效和减毒的双重作用,其机理可能是诱生IL-2、TNF及提高机体免疫力。
Objectrive:To study the antitumor activity and mechanism of aloe polysaccharides (AP). Methods: AP was administered ip or iv to Sarcoma 180(S180) bearing mice or Hepatoma22(H22) bearing mice solely or combining with CTX, FU and ADM respectively. 10 days later, for S180 mice, the blood was analyzed, the tumor was peeled off and weighed, and the spleen index, thymus index was calculated. For H22 bearing mice, the survival rate was observed or the IL-2, TNF content in serum was tested. Results: 25 mg/kg·d or 50 mg/kg·d AP group could evidently reduce the tumor weight of S180 bearing mice and prolong the survival time of H22 bearing mice. AP also could improve the antitumor effects of CTX, ADM, FU, and lessen the chemotherapy side-effects. Furthermore, AP could improve the level of IL-2, TNF in the serum of mice bearing S180 or H22. Conclusion: AP has the effects of antitumor, enhancing the antitumor activity of chemotherapy drugs and lessening their side-effects. This effect was possibly derived from inducing IL-2 and TNF producing in body and improving the immunity activity.
Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials