目的 评价食管癌根治术后患者生存质量。方法 采用EORTC QLQ-C30以问卷形式采集食管癌根治术后患者生存质量情况,根据术后时间分组(1年组、1-3年组和3年以上组),与术前患者资料相比较。结果 患者体能、社会能力于手术后出现下降,1年后明显恢复;情感能力3年后较前有提高;术后呼吸困难加重,1年后开始减轻,3年后接近术前;术后食欲丧失加重,1年后开始减轻;便秘症状术后改善。结论 食管切除食管胃吻合术降低食管癌患者的生存质量,但多数生存质量评分在1年后开始恢复,3年后明显改善。
Objective To evaluate quality of life of postoperative patients. Methods Seventy-five patients underwent radical esophagectomy or pre-operatively completed the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire.Their outcomes were analyzed by dividing into 4 groups (pre-operative, 1 year after esophagectomy, 1-3 years after esophagectomy, longer than 3 years after esophagectomy) .Results Physical functioning and social functioning declined after esophagectomy, and recovered 1 year later. Emotional functioning ascended 3 years later. Dyspnea and loss of appetite worsened after esophagectomy and remitted 1 year later. The score of dyspnea was similar to pre-operative score 3 years later. Constipation was improved after esophagectomy. Conclusion Esophagectomy has a negative impact on quality of life, but most scores remitted 1 year later, and improved further 3 years later.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation
Esophaged neoplasm/surgery
Quality of life