目的 为防止样品待检时的蒸发浓缩 ,研制了样品自动防蒸发保存系统 (已获国家专利 ) ,并对应用效果进行评价。方法 用自动控制的加湿装置使封闭的系统内水蒸汽迅速达到并维持饱和状态 ,起到防蒸发效果。用蒸馏水及混合血清样品分别在该系统内、外存放 ,检测存放前后蒸馏水的重量及混合血清K、Na、Cl、TP、Alb的含量。结果 蒸馏水样品在该系统内、外存放 2 4h ,0 .5ml和 1.5ml样品杯的平均蒸发率差异均有非常显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。混合血清在该系统内、外存放 2、4、8、16、2 4h ,0 .5ml样品杯和 1.5ml样品杯的平均蒸发率差异均有非常显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 样品自动防蒸发保存系统可防止待检样品蒸发浓缩 ,提高检测结果正确性。
Objective To design and develop an automatic evaporation-preventive sample storage system for the purpose of preventing evaporation of liquid samples. Methods An automatic moistening device was applied to the closed sample storage chamber and keep it in a saturated water vapour environment. Distilled water and pooled serum samples were stored in this system. Changes in distilled water weight and concentrations of serum K,Na,Cl,TP and Alb were measured. Results The mean evaporation rates of distilled water contained in 0.5 ml and 1.5 ml sample cups after 24 h storage in this system or in the environment were significantly different(P<0.01). The mean evaporation rates of pooled serum contained in 0.5 ml and 1.5 ml sample cups after 2,4,8,16,24 h storage in this system or in the environment were significantly different also(P<0.01). Conclusions The automatic evaporation-preventive sample storage system is effective in prevention of sample evaporation and useful in clinical laboratory.
Laboratory Medicine