本文论述了国内外在干旱区植物耗水方面的研究概况 ,介绍了干旱区植物耗水测量的手段与 5种不同方法 ,对影响干旱区植物耗水的因素和不同植物对干旱环境的适应及响应进行了评价 ,对干旱区不同植物的蒸腾速率变化以及植物对强蒸腾作用的响应进行了分析 ,并提出植物耗水量今后应重点进行植物生理生态数据库建设和生态耗水模型研究 ,在微观尺度 ,利用分子生物技术研究干旱区植物抵御高蒸腾降低生物耗水量的机制 ;在宏观尺度 ,从研究单株植物的生物耗水向群落、生态系统及全球尺度方向转变 ;在全球变暖的形势下 ,研究干旱区降水变化趋势和植物在生物耗水方面的响应。
This research dealed with the general situation of the study on water consumption of vegetation in arid area,introduced five measuring methods of the water consumption,evaluated the factors affecting the water consumption,the adaptation and response of vegetation to the droughty environment,analysed the variant transpiration rate among different species,and the reaction of vegetation to the severe transpiration condition. As far as the perspective of water consumption was concerned,the eco-physical data base and ecological water consumption models should be built up,on the micro scale, molecularbiotechnology is to be applied to the research on the regulation of vegetation anti high intensity transpiration and lower water consumption in droughty regions; on the macro scale,it is need to shift the research from a single plant to plant community,ecosystem,even the global scope; and more attention is need to be payed to what will the vegetation respond to the change of global warming.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
国家自然科学基金重点项目 ( 90 10 2 0 0 7)
中国科学院知识创新重大项目 ( KZCX1-0 8-0 3 )资助