
干旱区五种野生观赏植物的引种栽培试验 被引量:10

The Experiments on Introduction of 5 Wild and Adornment Plants in Arid Region
摘要 本文采用不同催芽方法、育苗和栽培技术 ,对蒙古扁桃 ( Prunus mongolica Max-im.)、粗壮黄芪 ( Astragalus H oantchy Franch.)、沙冬青 ( Ammopiptanthus mongolicus ( Max-im.) Cheng f.)、山丹 ( L iliun pumilum DC.)和内蒙古野丁香 ( Leptodermis ordosica H.C.)五种分布于内蒙古西部具有观赏价值又为珍稀濒危植物的种子萌发特性、成苗特性进行了研究 ,同时进行了引种栽培技术的初步探索。结果表明 :蒙古扁桃和粗壮黄芪的种子经机械打磨处理后 ,在湿润的沙性基质中栽培效果较好 ,生长两年的植株移栽成活率较高 ;山丹在壤土中萌发率较高 ,异地移栽的山丹 ,如室内栽培 ,需进行春化作用和人工授粉才能开花、结果 ;沙冬青在沙性较强的基质及一定的湿度条件下栽培效果良好 ;内蒙古野丁香则在黏土中生长良好。 The seed germination and seedling survival characteristics of 5 species in the west of Inner Mongolia were studied. The plants included Prunus mongolica Maxim., Astragalus Hoantchy Franch., Ammopiptanthus mongolicus(Maxim.)Cheng f., Liliun pumilum DC. and Leptodermis ordosica H.C. , which were rare and endangered plants and of adornment value. At the same time, preliminary probing into the introduction technique was made . The results indicated that the seeds of Prunus mongolica Maxim.and Astragalus Hoantchy Franch. grow well in the moist sand medium after machine friction, survival rate of the plants growing for two years is highest; Liliun pumilum DC.′s seeds germination rate is high in the lose soil, and transplant seedlings blossom and fruit if they have be vernalized and artificially pollinated. Ammopiptanthus nthus mongolicus(Maxim.)Cheng f. grew well in the sand medium with little water; leptodermis ordosica H.C. grew well in the clay.
出处 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 2004年第6期159-163,共5页 Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
基金 内蒙古自然基金 ( 2 0 0 3 0 80 2 0 5 0 2 ) 教育厅重点项目 ( DZ0 10 40 )资助
关键词 野生观赏植物 引种栽培试验 栽培效果 山丹 沙冬青 基质 生长 黄芪 丁香 异地 arid region wild and adornment plants introduction
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